"Break Up", A Failure to Make Bonding in Human Life

We learn how to make friends, how to share and how to cope with bullies when we are young. Through this way some bonding namely friendship, relationship, relatives got build up. At some point this bonding becomes the only enemy to us. As a result we become crazy and quit the way and name it smartly "break up".

Let's consider the bonding as a bridge, both partners performing as supports to this bridge. When we begin to construct the foundation of this Bridge we never thought about it's demolition, only because of to prove we are the best supports to hold the bridge.

 After competition of that Bridge we used to enjoy the bonding up to a certain time. Whenever we fulfilled our self expectations, that bridge of bonding become meaningless to us. At some point these expectations also meet their limits, which is the beginning of cracking of that bond. After some moments the load to support the bridge, becomes very high for partners. Then we choose the way which path a looser always own, "Break Up".

The reasons behind the breakup....

1. Self priorities

Any type of bonding is a two way Street, and the give side of the give and take contributes to your own sense of self worth. Being there for your friends makes you feel needed and adds purpose to your life. 

When these things change it's way in respect of self priorities, becomes the reason behind break up.

2. Opinion to disrespect

we should accept the awareness friends/ partners does not mean agreeing about everything. We can try to look the things from his or her point of view and understand his or her situation. He or she might be right also.

That means refusing to agree the opinion harms the bonding. Sometimes that become the reason behind the breakup.

3.The target achievement

Sometimes to meet our financial career goals we use to behave like a person, who knows everything, does not care about his partner, that means whatever we do everything is right. 

This type of attitude introduces "ego". Ego play a creative role in the breakup process.

4. Endless expectations

Whenever a bonding forms we usually depends on each other to fulfill our expectations.

Sometimes our endless expectations play major role to break the bonding.

Some notable effects of breakup

1. End of a bonding flip your world upside down and trigger a range of emotions.It can affect physically or mentally.

2. An Unexpected and unwanted breakup can cause considerable psychological distress.

3.Family breakup like divorce or separation can have a long-term negative effect on a child.It is also harmful for other members of the family.

What do you think? Don't forget to mention in the comment below.


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